Police Caught Stealing Fuel
Some Police Officers on Friday April 19, 2013 joined a horde of local residents at Ejisu in the Ashanti region to scramble for free fuel which was flowing from a toppled tanker which overturned and spilt its contents alongside the road.Police Officers arrived at the scene in Police pickup trucks with jerry cans and gallons and joined the crowd in siphoning their share of the spilt fuel.
The Officers drove off with their booty without making any attempts to stop the residents from going near the fallen tanker which could have exploded.

The owner of the tanker Eric Osei told XYZ News: “The Police were involved; they could not disperse the crowd. They were rather involved and chasing them [residents] up”.
“…They came with two drums at the back of their pickup, and then there was another pickup that also showed up that also came with drums….the Police officers were chasing some of the residents that were holding big gallons and took it from them [and] added it to theirs and drove off”.
“…They came back to the scene with empty drums again to refill and that was when I got really annoyed and started taking pictures of all that was happening”.
He said the Officers attempted snatching the camera from him.
“I was helpless…the Police who were supposed to help [out were] unconcerned”.
Mr Osei said: “The law must work; they are there to enforce the law but not to be a partaker of criminality”.
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